Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Software - Bayes++. A library of C++ classes for Bayesian filtering.
Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis - The Book
Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Publications - Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis - Book. Information and resources relative to the book Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis by Shawe-Taylor and Cristianini.
Welcome to COLT: Computational Learning Theory
Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning - Computational Learning Theory. A research field devoted to studying the design and analysis of algorithms for making predictions about the future based on past experiences.
Kernel-Machines.Org Kernel Machines
Computers, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning - Kernel machines. A central information source for the area of Support Vector Machines, Gaussian Process prediction, Mathematical Programming with Kernels, Regularization Networks, Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces, and related methods.