Amiga Active Magazine
The official web site of Amiga Active Magazine, published monthly in the UK by Pinprint Publishing. The Future of Amiga Computing! Amiga Active magazine is distributed worldwide via the news stands and on subscription.
Elbox Computer
Visit for the latest products for 68k/ColdFire/PowerPC Amiga computers.
Computers, Systems, Acorn, Electron - ElectrEm. An emulator of the Acorn Electron for DOS, Windows and Linux.
The BBC Microcomputer System Games Archive
Computers, Systems, Acorn, BBC - The BBC Microcomputer System Games Archive. Includes a history of the BBC, advice on how to obtain a BBC, emulator information, interviews with influential people in the Beeb scene, details of unreleased games, a high score table, and a large list of companies, with descriptions of the games each produced.
Computers, Systems, Acorn, BBC - BeebZone. Includes technical articles on linking BBCs using RS232, resetting CMOS RAM, interfacing the BBC Micro to outside circuits, and the Domesday Project, along with a biography of the BBC Micro.