For business consultants in Brisbane don’t look past leading consultants, Strategic Business Development, offering coaching and consulting services throughout Brisbane, Bundaberg, Gladstone and the Wide Bay.
The OC Plaza has been designed not only to provide the finest facilities but also to create the perfect environment for a successful, productive and memorable events.
Organizers of major international events in London covering the latest developments in border control security, biometric identification systems and new technologies for use by government agencies and the transport and travel industries.
Aktuelle Stadtinformation wie Konzert-Termine mit Ticketbestellung, SehenswRrdigkeiten, Shopping-Tipps und Anreise-Tipps. Au-erdem bieten wir einen umfangreichen Messetermin-Katalog und Shopping-Tipps + Beauty-Tipps an. Dazu k?nnen Sie auf Hotels, Restaurants, Kinos, Bars und andere Locationen suchen.
In addition to typical displays for trade show and exhibit spaces, we also cater to specific marketing needs for sales meetings, on-site demo, point-of-purchase, visual merchandising, museums, retail environments.