The Ceramist Technologist
Thirty five years experience in ceramic manufacturing processes (tableware, ornamental giftware, floor, wall and roofing tiles, electrical porcelain and sanitaryware) in Africa, Caribbean, Middle East, Indian Ocean, South America and Europe
Business, Industrial Goods and Services, Consulting - Axeon. Consulting firm specializes in assisting organizations to understand, implement, and maintain ISO certification.
Le Groupe Cr+eatech : la performance de votre entreprise
R+eel chef de file canadien en optimisation de la cha+ ne d'approvisionnement et en int+egration de solutions en technologies de l'information, Le Groupe Cr+eatech offre des services depuis l'am+elioration de la performance op+erationnelle + la mise en +ouvre de progiciels de gestion d'entreprise (ERP), en passant par l'implantation de solutions en gestion des actifs. Au cours de ses 15 ann+ees d'existence, la firme a su accompagner plus de 1000 entreprises dans la r+ealisation de quelque 2 000 projets leur ayant permis d'am+eliorer consid+erablement leur comp+etitivit+e et leur performance.
Les Wood Associates
Business, Industrial Goods and Services, Consulting - Les Wood Associates. Productivity improvement experts.
Operational Innovations - Company Overview
Business, Industrial Goods and Services, Consulting - Operational Innovations, Inc.. Consulting firm specializing in project management, technical and operational services for the food, beverage and consumer goods industries.
EMA Services Inc
Business, Industrial Goods and Services, Consulting - EMA Services Inc. Manufacturing consulting.
Product Design, Contract Manufacturing and Packaging Services for Businesses and Entrepreneurs