Outplacement: The Connect Programme Outplacement Services
Outplacement: Connect provides a range of outplacement services for people facing career change and redundancy, including individual outplacement counselling, group outplacement workshops and executive outplacement programmes. Connect also provides executive coaching to managers and teams.
Change Rangers ::
Business, Human Resources, Outplacement - ChangeRangers. Toronto, ON based organization.
Talent Management Software and Solutions - Insala
Business, Human Resources, Outplacement - Insala Group. An organization that provides outplacement technology consulting and the Internet business service solution EmploymentTalk.
The Barrett Group
Business, Human Resources, Outplacement - The Barrett Group. Provides employment and career transition assistance to clients through an international network.
Lassiter Consulting
Business, Human Resources, Outplacement - Lassiter Consulting. Provides corporations and executives assistance in planning and career management.