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AskHR is the premier source for handling your company's human resource and sales operations. Using a streamlined approach, AskHR acts quickly to set up and develop the human resources and sales functions of early and late stage startups. Through diligent, hands-on work, beginning at the ground-zero stage through IPO boom, AskHR provides services and talent that power the growth of startups everywhere.
BHI Management Consulting
Business, Human Resources, Recruiting and Retention - BHI Management Consulting. Training and consulting firm for small business looking to recruit and retain employees.
Business, Human Resources, Recruiting and Retention - RecruitSavvy.com. Is the first company to combine a recruitment advertising agency, a résumé mining company, a research company, and experienced staff recruiters under one roof.
Dawson Consulting Group - Guiding Organizations into the Future
For over 25 years Dawson Consulting Group has helped companies large and small optimize their bottom lines through Talent Acquisition, Development and Transition services. As a Partner in Career Partners International, the largest and fastest growing career and talent management partnership with 175 offices worldwide, they offer a powerful team of experienced consultants. Their approach customizes talent management solutions for improved results, including search, assessment, leadership development, training, and outplacement. WBEA and HUB certified.
Velocity Resource Group : Resume Sourcing Services
Velocity Resource Group is the leading resume sourcing and candidate qualification solutions provider. We also partner with our clients for candidate sourcing, screening and qualification to determine their availability and interest in the position
Employeee Exit Survey Management System
Business, Human Resources, Recruiting and Retention - InsightExit. InsightEXIT is an online web-based exit interview management system designed to analyze reasons for turnover and assist in employee retention strategies.