Utility Search Site
Business, Energy and Environment, Employment - Utility Search Site. Contains worldwide utility job postings and resume database.
Don Hite Associates
Business, Energy and Environment, Employment - Don Hite Associates. Staffing firm serving the power generation industry.
ProEnergy Services
Business, Energy and Environment, Employment - ProEnergy Services. Staffing and value added contract labor services available.
Energy Resume.com
Business, Energy and Environment, Employment - Energy Resume.com. Energy industry employment job site, includes employment opportunities and resume database.
Sanford Rose Opportunity Center
Business, Energy and Environment, Employment - Sanford Rose OC(Power Division). Executive search firm serving power and utilities professionals.
Energy Efficiency
We are facing global challenges of increasing energy demand in contrary to the decrease of fossil energy resources. The scale at which these challenges are occurring calls to a climate of change in all sectors of the economy and make it impossible to run a business without responding to these forces.