Structures for circus and travelling shows, including seating systems, domes, tensile structures, animal boxes, stages, and trailers. [English/Italian]
ANCESCHI CARLO - anceschi costruzione di tensostrutture per circhi spettacoli gradinate strutture per scuderie transennepalchi per spettacoli ed eventi rimorchi recinzioni e gabbie stand espositivi strutture smontabili Structures for circus and travelling shows, seating system, structures domes, big top andtensile structures animal boxes sundries stages trailers sundries stretched flexible structures stand ferialestensoestructuras tensoestructura, estructuras de circos, espectaculos circenses espacios expositivosstructure de cirque gradins, structures modulaires, espectaculos de circos estructuras para circosstructure sous tendue estrades demontables espectaculos ambulantes structure tendue barandillas