Famous Poetry Online
A comprehensive resource for Famous Poetry Online. The most famous poems by the most celebrated poets can be found on Famous Poetry Online. Classic information regarding the works of Shakespeare, Browning, Eliot, Joyce, Tennyson and Butler are fully featured on Famous Poetry Online.
Poetry Doctor
Arts, Writers Resources, Poetry - Poetry Doctor. Providing poetry lessons, advice, editing, performances, books and writing services.
Since 1996 Spring 2009
Arts, Writers Resources, Poetry - Poetry Magazine. International digest of world poetry.
UK Poetry Society.
Arts, Writers Resources, Poetry - The Poetry Society. UK Poetry Society.
Arts, Writers Resources, Poetry - WorkingPoet. An online newsletter which encourages poets to: do the writing, send it out and be an active part of the poetry community.
Arts, Writers Resources, Poetry - Poettext.com. Featuring writers workshop, news and articles, discussion forums, events, competitions, interviews, and reviews.
Homepage of AHApoetry.com
Arts, Writers Resources, Poetry - Aha Poetry. Post your poems and get instant poetry gratification with Ann Cantelow's Interactive Poetry Invention.
Pathetic Poetry Society
Arts, Writers Resources, Poetry - Pathetic Poetry Society. Forums, contests and other resources for poets in this online community.
Poetry Links @drowningman.net
Arts, Writers Resources, Poetry - Drowning Man. Directory of literary publications, from small presses up to the most famous with an emphasis on poetry links.
Poetry Power
Arts, Writers Resources, Poetry - Poetry Power. Tips for poetry writing and publishing.
Lupert: It's The Website
Arts, Writers Resources, Poetry - Poetry Super Highway. Resource for online poets and writers featuring categorized links to poetry/writing related websites as well as two new featured poets online each week.