first writer - Writing Resource & Author Website
Arts, Writers Resources, Fiction - First Writer. Small press directory, writing tips, competition listings, literary agents, editorial services, writers' forum, writing links, geared to fiction and poetry writers.
Fiction Factor - Writing Tips for Fiction Writers
Arts, Writers Resources, Fiction - Fiction Factor. Tips and advice on getting published, articles on the craft and business of writing, current paying market listings, free ebook downloads, author interviews, lots of writer's resources.
Critters Writers Workshop
Arts, Writers Resources, Fiction - Critters Workshop. An on-line workshop and critique group for serious writers of Science Fiction and Fantasy, or Horror.
SpecFicWorld: Resources Speculative Fiction Fans & Writers
SpecFicWorld publishes fiction and non-fiction for speculative fiction fans and writers. We also lists thousands of resources and market and literary agent listings from around the globe for science fiction, fantasy, and horror writers. - AFFORDABLE Author Websites
Official author websites for over 50 published author. Author-sponsored contests to win free books, cash, other free gifts, merchandise and prizes. Articles about writing and comprehensive list of writing links. Writers Message Board. Fiction Writers Character Chart. Eclectics Connection Newsletter. Manuscript Format, Query, synopsis, how-to, write, how-to write
A useful resource for new writers