Biography : Lee Welch
Arts, Video, Alternative Video - lee welch | new media artist. The site is a study of the relationship between my reality, its presentation, and unconventional ways of seeing myself.
rebecca dolan
rebecca dolan, art, fine art, digital art, video art, video installation, photography
Bianco-Valente website
Art production, images, texts, videos, biography, bibliography and project information.
David Hall
David Hall - Video art pioneer, TV interventionist, installation artist,sculptor and filmmaker.
Lisa DiLillo
Arts, Video, Alternative Video - Lisa DiLillo. Lisa DiLillo creates video installations and photographs.
Professor Bright Films - Home
Arts, Video, Alternative Video - Professor Bright Films. Based in the New York City area, Ben Coccio and Dave Shuff produce entertainment as well as corporate video work.
hayley barker art+work
Arts, Video, Alternative Video - Hayley Barker. Experimental video about memory, and movement through emotional spaces.