Dreaming In Daylight Arts, Photography, Techniques and Styles, Infrared - Syme, Diane. Black-and-white photos of people enjoying the out of doors. http://gallerysyme.com/
Infrared Fine Art Photography Arts, Photography, Techniques and Styles, Infrared - Weakley, Kent. Features infrared black and white photography that is both surreal and magical Based in Ocala, Florida. http://kentweakley.com
Photography By Nathan Arts, Photography, Techniques and Styles, Infrared - Doughert, Nathan. Contains infrared black and white photographs some of which have been colored. http://nathanfl_1.tripod.com
Malinowski, MaryEllen Arts, Photography, Techniques and Styles, Infrared - Malinowski, MaryEllen. Working exclusively with infrared film. http://www.infraredlight.com
The Official Site Of Jeff Holbrook The official website of Jeff Holbrook including his surreal black and white infrared images. http://www.jeffholbrook.com