Arts, Performing Arts, Dance, Middle Eastern - Bellydance Museum. Information on the origins of oriental dance, stories and photos of Fifi Abdu, Beba, Soheir Zaki, Samia Gamaal, Farida Fahmi and Mona Said.
Belly Dance Central - Largest, Liveliest Bellydance Community! Discussion-Events-Travel-Costumes-Tours -Music-Videos-Blogs-News. BHUZ is your place to meet other belly dancers and explore the world of bellydance.
Arts, Performing Arts, Dance, Middle Eastern - Amina. Performer and teacher in south Florida, with specialties in raqs sharqi, westernized nightclub, tribal fusion, veil, balancing, ethno-fusion, finger cymbals and cane.
Arts, Performing Arts, Dance, Middle Eastern - Z-Helene. Information about classes and performances available from Z-Helene, a dancer based in Austin, Texas.
Eastern Arts is a non-profit dance and music organization that specializes in Persian / Iranian dance, Afghan dance and music, Middle Eastern dance and music, the Caucasus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Central Asia, Turkey dance and music, Uyghur / East Turkistan dance and music, Kurdish dance and music and more.