Luxious Lighting
Luxious Lighting provides creative lighting design services for live events.
David Lander Lighting Design
Arts, Performing Arts, Theatre, Stagecraft - Lander, David. Offers design services for theater, architectural, themes and special events.
Theatre Designer, Rhyannon Richardson
I work on either a freelance or permanent basis and whilst based on the border of London and North West Kent I work thoughout the country.
Wonder Works
We are known for our passion for applying technology innovatively, using an international network of expertise and reliably producing work that wows clients and audiences alike.
SAFD - Society of American Fight Directors
Arts, Performing Arts, Theatre, Stage Movement - SAFD - Society of American Fight Directors. Promotes safety and fostering excellence in the art of directing staged combat/theatrical violence.
LIMS Online
Arts, Performing Arts, Theatre, Stage Movement - LIMS Online. Institution for the study of movement analysis and the functional and expressive aspects of movement.
T H E A T R E D A N C E . C O M
Arts, Performing Arts, Theatre, Stage Movement - TheatreDance. A celebration of dance in the American musical theatre.
Caroline Meer - Stage Manager
Arts, Performing Arts, Theatre, Stage Management - Meer, Caroline. Personal pages of a professional stage manager based in the U.
Rodgers, Michael Andrew
Arts, Performing Arts, Theatre, Stage Management - Rodgers, Michael Andrew. Personal pages of a young, professional stage manager in the New York City area.