Arts, Online Writing, Journals, Personal - Avenue Canyons. A graduate student in the Molecular and Cell Biology department at University of California, Berkeley.
Arts, Online Writing, Journals, Personal - Jenn - A Life In Progress. A future teacher and college girl in her early 20's writes about college, relationships, and family, and ponders what could happen next.
Online journal (or online diary, if you prefer) showcasing the personal journal writing (or online personal diary writing, if you prefer) of a would-be essayist in his twenties named Jimski. Better yet, call it an 'online diary journal.' Personal journal. Or something. I dunno.
Arts, Online Writing, Journals, Personal - A Personal Site (The Sole Prop's Journal). Journal with photographs, a 100 favorite books list with comments and a 24 hour webcam in downtown Oakland.
Arts, Online Writing, Journals, Personal - The Pjammer Chronicles. Personal journal of essayist/former newspaper columnist/small-l-libertarian on a one-man crusade in search of truth, justice and synchronicity.