Hip Hop Database Arts, Music, Lyrics, Hip Hop - Hip Hop Lyrics. A directory of underground hiphop lyrics and rap artists. http://www.hiphop-lyrics.com
[( The Wreckless Vision )] :: created by LiteraL ConCepts Arts, Music, Lyrics, Hip Hop - The Wreckless Vision. Rap website for lyricists to battle, post lyrics, and discuss rap. https://thawrecklessvision.tripod.com/
Christian Akie 2K1 Arts, Music, Lyrics, Hip Hop - Christian Akie 2K1. Rap and rhythm and blues lyrics. https://chrisakiet.tripod.com/
The Urban Lyrics - Entrance RB/Soul/Hip Hop Music - Lyrics Collection https://theurbanlyrics.tripod.com/
aktuelle wettervorhers Arts, Music, Lyrics, Hip Hop - Princess Rhyme. Original lyrics by young female artists. http://www.princessrhyme.20m.com/
Altero`s modest lyrics archive Arts, Music, Lyrics, Hip Hop - Altero's Modest Lyrics Archive. Collection of lyrics organized by artist. https://phatest.narod.ru/
The Original Hip-Hop (Rap) Lyrics Archive Version 2.0 (Beta) Arts, Music, Lyrics, Hip Hop - The Original Hip-Hop Lyrics Archive. Collection of lyrics, including some soundtracks and compilations. http://ohhla.com/