Jane Brockman, Composer
Arts, Music, Women in Music, Personal Pages - Jane Brockman, Composer. Biography, purchasing information for written music and recordings.
CreativeFolk.com: Gerri Gribi's Home Page
Arts, Music, Women in Music, Personal Pages - Folk Music By and About Women. Gerri Gribi collects and performs folk songs with positive images of women.
Molecular Music
Molecular Music is the site for music derived from the molecules of life.
Arts, Music, Women in Music, Personal Pages - Lara Saint Paul. Photos, information and the music of Italian singer and producer Lara Saint Paul.
Women In Music, Inc.
Arts, Music, Women in Music, Organizations - Women In Music, Inc.. A professional organization dedicated to supporting, cultivating, and recognizing the talents of women in all areas of the music industry.
Arab Alliance of Women in Music
Arts, Music, Women in Music, Organizations - Arab Alliance of Women in Music. Non-profite organization dedicated to the awareness of the contributions of female Arab musicians.
Women in Music, United Kingdom
Arts, Music, Women in Music, Organizations - Women in Music, United Kingdom. Celebrates and helps raise public awareness of women's work in all types of music.
The Fund for Women Artists Official Home Page
Arts, Music, Women in Music, Organizations - The Fund for Women Artists. Non-profit arts service organization dedicated to increasing the diversity and employment of women in theatre, film, video and other art forms.