Book Works - Home
Arts, Crafts, Book Arts, Organizations - Book Works. Book Works is non-profit organisation based in London.
Caxton Club of Chicago
Arts, Crafts, Book Arts, Organizations - Caxton Club of Chicago. An organization of authors, binders, collectors, conservators, dealers, designers, editors, librarians, publishers, and scholars who share a common interest in the arts pertaining to the production of books.
American Printing History Association
Arts, Crafts, Book Arts, Organizations - American Printing History Association. Devoted to the study of printing history and its related arts, including calligraphy, typefounding, typography, papermaking, bookbinding, illustration, and publishing.
The New York Center for Book Arts
Arts, Crafts, Book Arts, Organizations - The New York Center for Book Arts. Dedicated to the traditional craft of book-making, as well as contemporary interpretations of the book as an art object.
Valley Ridge Art Studio
Arts, Crafts, Book Arts, Education - Valley Ridge Art Studio. Provides workshops, classes, and creative resources for book arts, bookmaking, bookbinding, handmade paper, photography, and writing.
Arts, Crafts, Book Arts, Organizations - CBBAG. The Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild.
Karen Hanmer
Arts, Crafts, Book Arts - Karen Hanmer. A gallery of installation, rebound, and altered books using a variety of materials and binding techniques.
Peng Peng Wang's Art Conservation/Art Gallery
Arts, Crafts, Book Arts - Peng Peng Wang's Art Conservation/Art Gallery. Art Conservation/Restoration for paintings, paper, books, and photographs in San Francsico Bay Area.
Arts, Crafts, Book Arts - Modern Bookbinding. This site features modern bookbinding of books,albums and boxes in ISO 216 sizes.