Tynte's Castle of Youghal Ireland
Arts, Architecture, History, Building Types - Tynte's Castle. An urban medieval tower house in Youghal, County Cork.
Historic Irish Castles
Arts, Architecture, History, Building Types - Historic Irish Castles. Photographs external and internal, QuickTime video, and brief history of selected castles by visitor Jim Moats.
Guide to Japanese Castles
Arts, Architecture, History, Building Types - Guide to Japanese Castles. Eric Obershaw provides a general history and description of castles in Japan, and photographs of castles he has visited, with histories taken from the official brochures and display text.
Bayerische Schlsserverwaltung
Arts, Architecture, History, Building Types - Neuschwanstein Castle. The official site of this 19th-century fantasy castle built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria includes an illustrated building history, tour and biography of Ludwig.
Arts, Architecture, History, Building Types - Burgruinen.de. Presents plans, dates and photographs of ruined castles in the Suedpfalz.
Château de Landreville
Arts, Architecture, History, Building Types - Château de Landreville. Castle in the Champagne-Ardenne built in the 12th century and rebuilt in the 16th century, it retains its moat and is a rare example of the pre-renaissance French castle.
Rent Saint-Loup Castle Loire Valley France
Arts, Architecture, History, Building Types - Château de Saint-Loup. French medieval castle converted into a grand country house in the 17th century, but retaining its keep and moat.
Top 100 of medieval castles
Arts, Architecture, History, Building Types - Topcastles. Robert Rongen presents images and brief details of hundreds of medieval castles, sorted by country, region and castle type.